Saturday, September 30, 2017

Some trees aren't so good.

I have pictures of people anchored to this tree.

The fresh breaks show how little was attached.

Gotta use that tiny tree.

Girth hitch your wired nuts together.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Ugliest bowline ever

No matter how much you struggle with your knots, you probably wouldn't leave one like this.

Tiny trees, carabiners in the system, and mystery knots.

Two large rocks were levered out of the walk down, one left and one right of the tree.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Just lazy

Two wraps doesn't make this a tensionless anchor. A bowline would eliminate the carabiner.

Tiny tree, too high up the trunk, but it is a tensionless anchor, as you can tell by the loose knot.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Friday, September 15, 2017

All new, all bad.

Tiny tree and two bad knots, on the right is a sloppy tensionless anchor.

On the left, a single bowline with too short tail and no stopper knot.

Another sloppy bowline.

How about tightening your knots, is that a concept?

We use the cordalette and carabiners because we paid for them, right? Note the clove hitch, backed up by an overhand knot, both rubbing against the rock.

Monday, September 11, 2017

When does the double bowline matter? When you use 8mm as an anchor.

Expensive prep school anchor, Dead Preppies might make a good name for a band. The carabiner is an unnecessary link in the chain and the tree is too small.

Everybody should have 2 anchors? Not if one is a potential projectile.

Single bowline in 8mm, this is where not using the double bowline can make a difference.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

That tiny wire will help so much.

The tiny wire to the root is such a joke.This tree isn't that good, as you can see, what you can't see is even less soil around the other side. Note the redundant carabiner on the red rope.

So many things. Non-locking carabiners, dog bones, and a daisy chain, along with the 8mm cordalette. So they used everything they owned.

There were lots of trees, they used the smallest.

New graffiti.

Put your 8 mil high around the loose block.

Don't know what it was about, but it was water soluble.

Couldn't find a smaller rock?

Monday, September 4, 2017

Gumby day.

A runner, dog-bone, and single carabiner, and yes, that is the climbing rope.

Clove hitch on a single non locking carabiner.

Another single carabiner and climbing rope dragging over edges.